Make a contribution.

Support our work in keeping Shop Bao Ngoc open and free for community. We often host community events, fundraisers and workshops to bring people together in strength and solidarity.

We currently host a community fridge outside the shop where folks can access fresh produce and cooked meals for free. The shop has become a third space for so many people in the community and keeping it alive has always been our priority.  

The space is free for First Nations folks, asylum seekers and grassroots activists to organise events and fundraisers. Any contribution will help us cover shop rent, utilities and maintenance costs so that we can keep doing cool things and keep this model sustainable for us! If you would like to contribute, you can click the ‘donate’ button below. We also have a Patreon if you would like to set up a recurring contribution.

Thank you so much for loving us and supporting us since 2018. I am eternally grateful for your kindness and always blown away by your patience. Hope you find space to breathe today.

Blessed to be in community with you. 

Love and rage,

Shop Bao Ngoc

Image of Ngoc making bowl of pho at the shop. It is dimly lit and people are sitting in the background eating
Image of friends holding and hugging eachother next to a long table of food.